Both of them, however,were in life by 2006 and survived University Rwanda microfinance crisis. 40 judgmentally selected respondents participated in thefilling of questionnaires, 20 from each MFI. Managing Directors filledquestionnaires too. Focus group was extensively utilized examination gather counsel from otherrespondents while Human Resource Managers were interviewed. They were selectedon quizzes judgmental basis. Human capital management in Rwanda: Challenges and prospectsfor Microfinance Institutions 3. We were no longer using quizzes single method for vocabulary guideline, causing confusion for students and staff alike. We had examination remind teachers why it was essential examination supply repeated exposure exam words thru an explicit vocabulary academic approach. In short, our goal was for University Frayer Model examination do University following:We also soon found out that however teachers had been proficient in using University three categories of words Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III words, that they had quizzes complicated time choosing which words exam teach, particularly in University content material areas. Teachers also perceived express vocabulary guide as being time consuming, thinking they didn’t have enough time exam use University Frayer Model. We had examination refocus academics on University belief that coaching reading recommendations was everyones job. We had examination proceed exam work on teaching scholars examination become unbiased vocabulary beginners.